What is Chakra Balancing?

Chakra Balancing 


The word chakra, derived from Sanskrit, symbolizes the spinning wheels of life force energy.

Chakras serve as our energy centers, and among them are the seven main chakras: The root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra. These chakras influence and govern our emotions, energy frequencies, and physical well-being. It is crucial to nurture and maintain the health of these chakras to lead a balanced life.

In our pursuit of chakra well-being, crystals play a significant role. Each crystal and stone possesses unique properties, capable of drawing in specialized healing energies or amplifying spiritual forces. I use these crystals as a way to not only heal and eliminate blockages within but also use them to preserve an overall sense of balance and well-being. 

Here’s our quick summary of the 7 Chakras:
1. Root Chakra – Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.
Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.
Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence,
money, and food.

2. Sacral Chakra – Our connection and ability to accept others and embrace new experiences.
Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.
Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Our ability to be confident and have a sense of control over one’s life
Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
Emotional issues: Sense of self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem.

4. Heart Chakra – Our ability to love.
Location: Center of the chest, located just above the heart.
Emotional issues: Embracing Love, joy, inner peace.

5. Throat Chakra – Our ability to communicate effectively.
Location: Near the throat area 
Emotional issues: Improving Communication, self-expression of feelings, and truth.

6. Third Eye Chakra – Our ability to focus and see the big picture in a situation
Location: Between the eyes on the forehead (Also called the Brow Chakra)
Emotional issues: Improve Intuition, imagination, wisdom, and decision-making.

7. Crown Chakra – As the highest Chakra, it represents our ability to have a spiritual connection on a profound level
Location: At the top of the head.
Emotional issues: Involves inner and outer beauty, our connection to pure bliss.

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